Ah, fall is in the air, and oh how the mighty have fallen. According to some folks, Columbia University sunk to new lows yesterday when it allowed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak at a forum on its campus. Numerous amounts of people protested against it, while some supported his being able to speak. Like it or not, it is now over with, and he is soon to address the United Nations (or, as I like to call it, the world's biggest joke) where he will spout lies and other insane platitudes about how unfair Iran is being treated. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The man is a lunatic who has said over and over how much he desires to see the West destroyed so that it can come under the rule of Sharia Law (if you do not know what that is, look it up. It aint pretty).
He has also been adament that if he has his way, Israel and every last Jew there will be pushed into the sea. In essence, he would love nothing more to see them all annihilated. Sounds like that dude from back in the 1930's and '40's. What was his name? Oh yeah. It was that mass murderer of the Jews Adolf Hitler. The same man that Neville Chamberlain appeased at Munich, and look where that got everybody. He also believes, firmly, that the Holocaust never happened. Really? Then where did those 6 million people go? Montana?
What's funny to me, though, is that it is apparent that those wonderful little liberals running for President have said that they would like to "talk" to him to see if they can iron out the differences between America and Iran. It would seem that these people have totally forgotten their history. It is either that or they are just so consumed with getting power that ignorance and blindness have taken control. I think it is a little bit of both. So much is at stake with this next Presidential election. We can elect someone like Obama who says that American troops in Afghanistan are air-raiding villages and killing civilans (an outright lie!) while at the same time saying that he wants to "talk" to Ahmadinejad to see what sort of agreement they can come to. Whose side is this man on? It is obvious that he is not looking out for your interests. Instead, he is only interested in power, and those that seek power are destined to pervert it.
Hillary is the same way. She would rather spit on a 4 Star General than believe that we are actually making progress in Iraq. She, in essence, is saying that Petraus is a liar, but she too would be willing to talk to Ahmadinejad to see if some resolution can be reached. Did you read that right? She is more concerned with power than America. She always has been, and if she is elected we are in for some serious trouble.
All that aside, what are we to make of Ahmadinejad's visit to America? What should we think about Columbia's decision to let such a lunatic speak? Well, if you ask me, that is not what we should be concerned about. Think about this for a second: Did you know that he was one of the ring-leaders of the Iranian Revolution of 1980? Did you know he was one of the men responsible for rushing our Embassy in Tehran where American citiznes were taken hostage? Did you know that this man is arming insurgents in Iraq with Iranian weapons, weapons that are being used to KILL American soldiers! Did you know that he is also sending Iranian soldiers into Iraq to KILL American soldiers? All of that has been confirmed MORE THAN ONCE by military intelligence! Have you heard any outrage over this from our "friends" on the Left? Nope, and you won't because they know that to do so would tick off their kook fringe Leftist base, and that would cost them votes. Again, THESE PEOPLE DO NOT CARE ABOUT AMERICA!
Did you also know that Ahmadinnerjacket is arming Hezbollah and Hamas, two groups who have professed to being committed to destroying Israel, two groups who use terrorism to attain their goals? They are the ones who blow women and children up while they ride on buses down the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. They are getting money and weapons from the Iranian President, the very man that liberals want to "talk" to.
So, what's the point? The point is that this man is guilty of crimes against humanity, and he is guilty of committing crimes against the United States military. His sorry tail should have been arrested the second he stepped foot on American soil, and he should have been put through the beginning stages of being charged in a War Crimes Tribunal conducted by the U.S. military. He should then be denied the right to a speedy trial, and then he should be shot while being hung in the middle of Times Square.
But wait a minute! Wouldn't that infuriate the Iranians and make them declare war on us? Probably, and we should respond in kind. Keep in mind we would not be alone in such a war. Israel has made it crystal clear that they will not tolerate the Iranians and their antics. They would be more than willing to fight, and they would be more than willing to put the nuclear option in the CENTER of the table. In my opinion, we are going to go to war with Iran. The hardliners and Islamic fundamentalists run that country, and they will not relinquish power without a fight. Such a war, though, will be like none other. Iran will be turned into a parking lot, and there will be no more putting terrorists on notice. The fight would then be taken to them at such a frightening pace it will make the carpet bombing of Germany look like a picnic with your parents.
These things will happen, I believe, if a Democrat is elected. Neville Chamberlain was a liberal, and his refusal to stand up to Hitler launched the world into a cataclysmic war. Millions of innocent men, women, and children died, and that isn't even including the number of soldiers who died. We must not allow this to happen. Get involved with your local elections. Get involved with local politics. Write your Congressmen and tell them to take a stand. Pick a candidate and get behind him with all that you have. We can win back the future, and I believe that if we act on our hopes we will win. Remember, those hostages in Iran came home as soon as Reagan took office. They knew he was serious, and Libya soon found out he wasn't playing when he had a few bombs lobbed into Ghadaffi's house. Have you heard from that guy since? Nope. Here's to hope, and here's to putting down rulers who have a silly name like "Ahmadinejad". What was his family thinking!
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